S t i l l L i f e / 12

"To love would be an awfully big adventure." J.M Barrie
"Our hearts are so tempted to worship what we see.
We want beauty, riches, adventures. We want perfect kitchens & pretty clothes.
It's so easy to start believing we need something else to make our lives more abundant or meaningful.
But all we need is all we have. When our hearts are tempted to worship a life that isn't ours, I pray we sing the hymn of old, "...bind our wandering heart to thee." #stayawaketolove
"I can be impatient with myself & with the process of growing But nature teaches us so many lessons about the beauty of timing, about the needed death & pruning of winter, about the faithfulness grown in the dirty spring days of planting & tending. There's a garden growing in each of us, a seed of promises waiting to bloom. Just wait & see..." @cloisteredaway
'It's useless to rise early & go to bed late,
& work your worried fingers to the bone.
Don't you know he enjoys
giving rest to those he loves?'
~ Psalm 27:2, Message
"Being a parent is really hard. It is really wonderful, but hard. But I think it is hard not just because children need a lot of grace & a lot of correction, but because I need a lot of grace & a lot of correction, & that's not an easy truth to sit with. I am so much quicker to see my children's need for repentance & forgiveness more than my own, but when I really think about it, I am a whole lot like my kids. I get fussy when I am interrupted. I get irritable when I don't get what I want. I fight back when my time is intruded upon. Time after time, I fail to model the exact behaviour I want out of these little people in my care. & yet seeing that I need exactly what my kids need - grace, correction, a re-orientation of my heart & a daily dose of humbling - has been the most refreshing paradigm for my mothering." ~ coffeeandcrumbs
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