roadtrip / melfort

A road trip up to Melfort for a Houston family hang ~ Goldie even got to come along. Credit to Phil & Jess for having us all out! All the cousins in one backyard for pool time, jumping on the trampoline, zip lining & 3 doggo's making friends... some great family memories.

Violet, June & Edie

James wins the 'getting thrown the most times into the pool award.'

slushy break!

the cute little camper Joel & I stayed in / Evie & Goldie

sunday afternoon at the lake

I didn't get a pic of Ida's snails, but she wins the 'caught the most snails at the lake' award!

Goldie wins the 'sat in the most seats' award

three girls in the back with a dog belting out some Taylor Swift ~ check.

Goldie & Sadie living their best dog life in the plants - the hosta paid the price, sadly. Oops!

night swim!

missing Maggie in a couple pics as she was at work ~ here she is!

I had such a great view of Phil in church I had to take a picture / celebrating Jim's 72nd birthday with some lemon meringue pie

the doggo's not getting any of said pie...

some post church pics with the fam.

the Houston boys ~ James, David, Asher & Henry

the Houston girls ~ Edie, June, Evie, Violet, Maggie & Ida in front

Jim & Carolyn with the grandkids

Houston Family / Summer 2024!


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