S t i l l L i f e / 11


"Be content with such things as you have, since the Lord has ordered all things for your good. Take up your own daily cross; it is the burden best suited for your shoulder, & will prove most effective to make you perfect in every good word & work to the glory of God."
~ Spurgeon


Monday. Morning light.

Me writing letters for Edie: 'What should we write about?'
Edie: 'Dear Mummy, I love you so much.'
While writing: 'Mum do you like pink? & red? I'm making you the perfect colours.'



"Even in the chaos, tension, frustration & fighting - remember it's all so fleeting. It's but a breath.
We don't have to like the noise, busyness, bedtime or the mess. We can complain about the chaos & the tantrums & the picky eating - but let's never - ever - stop enjoying them.
Let's never stop drinking every last drop out of the wonder of their delicate souls. Let's never let our eyes stop lighting up when they walk in the room.
So even though we struggle - for today - for this moment - breathe in the glory that God has given us the gift of babies to love from now until forever."



Me: "What time is it?"
Asher: "Can I have a snack?"
Edie: "Let me check what time it is..." (looks at clock). 
"Zero, zero, seven seven. No snack for you!"



We went to the Dollar Store to buy a crown. Best dollar purchase ever. Also, she's been wearing this dress all week & more. To story time, to our dental appointment. 
When we got home she tried on her crown.
"You just got me the perfect crown."
"Do you want some lipstick?"
"Yes, please, I'll put it on just perfect!"



What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time & then vanishes.
~ James 4:14


  1. Thursday.... be still my heart! She looks the epitome of a queen. Please be sure to tell her. Love these all Dan.


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