s t i l l l i f e / 3
j a n 2 2 / m o n d a y
Me, lying on the floor: "Oh dear, I might need a two minute nap."
Edie, without batting an eye: "I can get you a blanky, mom."
j a n 2 4 / w e d n e s d a y
A white-out from Nipawin to PA on the highway in the morning. Nothing but fields of snow & frosted trees. A winter desert.
Edie, 3/4 of the way to P.A for a Dr's appointment: "Aw, when are we there."
Me: "Why don't you have a little nap?"
Edie: leans her head over & closes her eyes.
Edie's outfit for the day: flower pants, striped skirt, green knit sweater with the buttons done up herself, flower bead necklace & sparkly boots.
Me to Edie later that night: "Can we always be best friends?"
Edie: too busy doing puzzles to reply.
j a n 2 5 / t h u r s d a y
"Lucky I get to sit beside you!"
Edie to dad at lunch.
j a n 2 6 / f r i d a y
Me, commenting on his Lego plane: "You did such a great job, you didn't even need help."
Asher: "Yep, there were a lot of mysteries, but I solved them all."
j a n 2 7 / s a t u r d a y

Minus 25.
Baked Apple Cider Donuts.
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