s t i l l l i f e / 1

A daily journal of 2018.

j a n 7 / s a b b a t h

In which my husband whips up post-church pancakes for lunch.

j a n 8 / m o n d a y

"Mom, I know you don't like talking about ghosts, but I just wanted to tell you what rhymes with ghost... ghost, toast." - Asher

j a n 1 0 / w e d

"Mom, this is my best soap... red cherry; blue sparkles. It's my favourite!"
Edie, about Finish dishwasher detergent.

j a n 1 1 / t h u r s d a y

"Who is worthy to be present at the constant unfolding of time
How strange we are in the world, and how presumptuous our doings! 
Prayer is all we can offer in return for the mystery by which we live."
- Abraham Joshua Heschel

(photo by Edie)

j a n 1 2 / f r i d a y

"It's a lovely day for eating donuts." - Edie

j a n 1 3 / s a t u r d a y

"So I'm going to try & trick you... on your mark, get set, hot dog."
- Asher, before a race


  1. Dani I'm LOVING these still life quotes. I'm inspired! So so so sweet.


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