s t i l l l i f e / 2

j a n 1 4 / s a b b a t h

Our Great Redeemer
Glorious Savior
Your name is higher than the rising sun
Light of the morning
You shine forever
Your name is higher than the rising sun
Your name is higher than the rising sun
Hallelujah name above all
Simply to speak Your name is praise
Hallelujah I will always forever
We lift your name in praise
- Rising Sun by All Sons & Daughters on the way to church, snow & sun out the window

j a n 1 6 / t u e s d a y

"If I was Gingerbread Mouse, Asher could come to my house."
"Could I come too?"
"Yes, but you need to ring the doorbell."
- Lying on Edie's bed reading books

j a n 1 7 / w e d n e s d a y

Asher drawing a picture for Gramma & Papa - "is it okay if it's a flying ghost, even though we don't believe in ghosts? It's a friendly ghost."

j a n 1 8 / t h u r s d a y

"How does the Goliath-bird-eater play with his baby?" 
Asher wondering about tarantulas at the breakfast table.

j a n 1 9 / f r i d a y

Asher (in his chipper voice) doing Lego with Papa: "this is really coming along here!"

j a n 2 0 / s a t u r d a y

"I believe in your magic." 
- My mother to my dad over a doubles game of knip-stach


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