family skate date
Last Saturday we deemed our own family Christmas Day, as we'll be heading off to Calgary next week & wanted to do something special with just the four of us.
We started off as per usual with waffles for breakfast...
Our little Christmas tree... "apoo tree" says Asher because of the apples :)
Gotta read Stinky Cheese in the morning.
Going over the Christmas story with Asher.
A few pressies to dole out.
Family christmas photo 2014, Asher had to be picking his nose...
Let's try again.
Gaah, every time!
Grammy & Papa gave Asher his first helmet & ice skates, (which I've been amped for him to try out) so after presents we headed off to one of the outdoor skating rinks in town. I don't know what everyone else in Nipawin was doing that morning but we had the place to ourselves - a beautiful day with a little bit of snow in the air. This was actually so fun; I wasn't sure if Asher was going to like it but he lasted longer than I expected & when he was done "skating" I put him in the stroller with Didi & we chased Dad & twirled around on the ice. Yes, I can twirl on skates when I push the stroller :) I was super happy with my own skates - I lucked out a little while ago at the thrift store & picked up a decent pair for a few bucks. Here we are in all our skating glory!

Didi was having a good snooze...

When we were all done we headed home for lunch & eggnog lattes, or "nog" as requested by Asher... he loves a cup of warm eggnog!
The NBC Choir Cantata that night topped off our Christmas celebrations.
We're looking forward to heading back to Calgary this coming weekend! (For More Christmas)!
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