A & E / b i r t h d a y s

birthday pics from Asher & Edie's birthdays back in October & November.
They each had a couple friends over for a simple celebration.

our Edie girl turned 6.

She requested a Frozen cake so we ran with that theme.
Her cake comment was 'these marshmallows make it taste so good!'

Her friends Nova & Senna.

A vision cake drawing.

Edie & 'Sen'


Shortly after Asher turned 8!
We snuck in a get together with his friends right before the covid limitations changed again.

his birthday was a bit of a conglomeration theme... it's a captain america/ninjago cake?

some of his good buddies - Jeffrey, Pippen & James

Next up is James, who's been waiting a long time for his birthday it seems...


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