n a p t i m e

Since our new 'routine' began (aka covid19) we've incorporated naps into our schedule. The kids have been napping pretty well everyday. Normally they have quiet time after lunch, but nap time all together sure makes for a nice quiet chunk of time in the afternoon.
Generally speaking everyone's in better spirits with this new rhythm.
Sometimes James prefers quiet time & I think he enjoys having a bit of space to himself.

We've done a bit of room swapping since we've moved, but at the moment we're all upstairs in the three bedrooms which is working good for us. Managed to fit all the boys together in one room. Initially when we moved I wanted to have Asher & James downstairs but it feels better having everyone closer together & makes it easier for the occasional night time wake up.

Sunday nap with Dad.

James was a little more disruptive than usual this day...
shortly before this I had found him drawing with a marker behind the armchair & also noticed he'd eaten all my mini eggs I foolishly left on the counter. He proceeded to nap sweetly on the couch.
I love this.
They've been playing well if they want to nap together!
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