my 30th birthday

My sister completely surprised me by coming out for a visit / getaway for my 30th birthday. Joel had gone to Saskatoon for his usual monthly library trip & who should appear that evening at my door but my very own sister! She had planned a girls getaway for us to a B&B in PA  (the nearest 'big' city to Nipawin). So after Joel got home from work that Friday we jetted off to the city for a nice supper, movie & stay at the B&B - (all of which are completely novel in my life at this point in time!!!)

Asher was kind of excited to hang out with Auntie Dessy.

Birthday gifts!

The Rock Trout Cafe.

We stayed at the 'Keyhole Castle' which I would definitely recommend! Our room included this extra sitting room; the perfect reading spot. Both of us relished the quiet time to relax & visit.

'30 years old' selfie at a roadside gas station.
Happy Birthday to me!!! Definitely a memorable one.

xx, Des.


  1. A very special memory made right here. You've got a wonderful big sister! I hope this year is full of wonderful surprises whether that's a new friend made, a new hairdo, a new baby??? or a fabulous new recipe, a new favorite movie, a new destination, a new WORD for the journey, a new favorite coffee, or a new project. But no matter what may come your way this year, you'll always be our DANI girl forever loved for being you and ours!

  2. Some much needed and deserved R&R for both of you!

  3. How fun!! Love your 30 year old selfie!


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