asher turns two

Our little Asher Bird had his second birthday!!!

He has grown up so much the past few months - becoming a big brother & talking up a storm - he's become quite a chatterbox of late! He's a very sweet brother to Edie, or "Didi" as he calls her. Of course he has his moments of jealousy but overall he gives her lot's of love, hugs & kisses. My favourite is when he gives a hug to her, then a hug to mum so's I don't feel left out :)
He spends his days like every boy with his cars, trucks & trains, or his re-useable stickers (of cars/trucks/trains) "Ooooh, Big Truck!" & also loves books, music, shows & hiding (run & hide is generally his response to anything he doesn't want to do. Plugging his ears also helps him to disappear).
We only just recently changed his crib into a toddler bed. I was expecting this transition to pose a challenge with falling asleep, but has been quite the opposite - it seems he goes to bed better than before - often saying "bye" before we've sung or prayed together! He always prays for "Papa. & Gammy." Which I'm sure accounts for all grandparents :) He's also obsessed about not bonking his head when he goes to bed - I'm sure something to do with the song about the monkeys jumping off the bed.
He's learning to count well... but has little patience with puzzles & needs to learn yet to poop on the potty!

I don't by any means want to paint a perfect portrait of my son; granted, toddlerhood is a challenge! But he's a sweetheart when he chooses to be. 

Here's a few photos over the past little while & a couple from his birthday which was admittedly a mellow affair with mum, dad & Didi. But he got his popcorn & cake which was all he wanted :)


dinosaur tower / birthday pic with mum


"mook" moustache & bus tower / sibling twinsies in bones


"cone" / puddle splashing (before his boot got stuck & he fell in)

his sleeping accoutrements 


Asher's Favourite Things:

Colour - White. When I tell him the colour of something he's usually disappointed & corrects me "no, white."
Meal - Breakfast!
Book - Wheels on the Bus, David & Goliath, & of late a story about the Stinky Cheese Man
Show - Curious George "George. A funny."
Games - Hiding
Treat - Popcorn "corn!"
Play - Trains "no fall, Thomas!" "CRASH!"



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