Edie's Birth
Our little Edie is two weeks old.
It wasn't that long ago I was bemoaning to Joel that I just wanted to have this baby!
Here's a summary of her birth story...
Our sweet Edith was born early on Tuesday morning, October seventh, two days before her due date. My mom had come the previous Saturday so we had a few days together before the big event. We were extremely fortunate with the timing of it all, my mom being there for the birth and here to help us for the next week or so afterwards.
I started having regularish contractions Monday morning and we went in to the hospital around 5pm. Joel & I are ready to head off in the photo above after bringing Asher over to the neighbour's. I was completely expecting to have a baby that evening; for a shorter labour than with Asher. Wrong :) Things progressed fine up until 9cm where we sat for the next few hours. For whatever reason my water didn't/wouldn't break, which explained the delay. The wee early morning hours consisted of dozing off, walking the halls (Joel close behind with a wheelchair), jelly belly snacks (not sure why my mother thought this was a good idea, but evidently it was), and a bit of reprieve in a hot hot shower. I definitely had my doubts about pulling through, but finally, Finally, 4/4:30am we were ready to push. This is when my water decided to break - shot out and nailed the Doctor. (This felt like a tennis ball shooting out of my body, FYI. Sorry if that's TMI)! Eventually I summoned enough energy to birth our baby, who blinked her eyes once her head was born, and was indeed a girl when placed on my chest. What sweet relief it was to be finished! To behold our child.
For whatever reason while pregnant I felt it would be a girl, and literally everyone who had a guess - from co-workers to family members & my family doctor - all thought it was a girl as well. I felt blessed that it was indeed, our little baby girl.
The wonderful Dr. Kay.
Brand new.
I spent the rest of that day with Edie at the hospital, and that afternoon Asher came to see his new baby sister! He's quite taken with her and has been (thus far) nothing but gentle & sweet with her.

That first day with her was pretty special, being mostly just her & I, & nice to be catered to a little bit with meals & whatnot. After a checkup from Dr. Kay the next morning we were ready to go home.

So thankful for a healthy baby, & once said & done a smooth delivery. It is an amazing feeling to not be pregnant after being pregnant for nine months! We had a really good experience at the hospital here, & it's nice to have had both a home & hospital delivery.
Much love & thanks to my amazing support team! - Joel & my mother.
It's a little surreal having another little one as well as Asher... but here we go, family of four!
This is such a beautiful story....and the memories are precious to me. I feel so blessed that I was able to be a participant in Edith's birth story and will always hold dear this very special gramma time. And not to exclude Asher...we had so much fun together playing trains, stickers, sandbox, swings, football games with Daddy, singing, reading, shopping and eating popcorn!!