still life
Edie: "What kind of candies did I get again...? Turds?"
James to Davie:
"Bups, come check this out, it's a party in my cup!" (full of ladybugs)
Sometimes when I change David's poopy bum I ask him if it's a big poop or a baby poop & he'll whisper in his baby voice: "baby poop" & we'll whisper "baby poop" together.
Also eating muffin batter up on the table & full of marker... because he can?? Or, he did.
Sigh, it happens.
Our neighbour Pippen's debut.
Of his bird:
"It might be sleeping or it might be dead."
Me: "I think it might be dead. What do you think?"
Pippen: "Probably. I still like it, though."
Kindness, turds, party in a cup, big poop baby poop, sleeping dead all makes for great conversation! and of course a hearty laugh. GrammA