Still life
Edie on a walk ~ "I just wanted to wish you a happy mother's day with these dandelions. I like picking dandelions for you." & later ~ "that was a lovely walk today."
(Not actually mother's day, haha).
"I think Mr Gunther is the nicest person at the college."
Asher after paying a visit at the office & getting a treat from Mr Gunther.
James on his enormous poop... "I wish I could be that super long."
Also informing Joel: "Dada, if you do lot's of toots you'll have giant poops in the potty."
Edie instructing James "the kitty" in their fort during morning playtime...
"Kitty, pass me the hammer... Kitty, brush your teeth now... Kitty, it's gonna be night soon, hop in your den."
Asher after asking me what 'dumb' means ~ "no one in the world is dumb cause everyone knows something... like some animals have different coloured blood."
James having a morning driveway sit with his truck.
"Once upon a time there was a garbage truck & he got a big scoop of garbage & dumped it out. & that's the end of garbage trucks."
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