NBC / staff & campus

A few pictures of the NBC campus -
Joel went up in a little plane & took these shots for the school.

The school year is well underway here at NBC, Joel is currently teaching his second module & they've already done their first big weekend for teens, 365 Junior. 
Below: on the bottom is the main drive up to campus; our house is right in the middle there.

Thought I'd share pictures of the staff & faculty as well (photo credit to Joel again).

Above: Kendal (Finances) & Melisa Dyck (Reception). Their daughter Dana is our babysitter & both Asher & Edie love their son Brendan.

David Smith (Faculty) & his wife Elfe.

Jason (Enrolment) & Lindsay Elford with their girls: Leanna, Kaleah, Jaelynn & Makyla.

Val Weber, (Head Cook).

Jeremy (Faculty & Maintenance) & Wynona Loseth.

Myra Schmidt, (Music Director).

Jennifer Enns, (Dean of Women).

Wes Dobson (President) & his wife Tina.

Brad Lytle (Dean of Men), his wife Christina & son Bennett.

Adam (Faculty) & Susanna Yadlowsky. They have four boys: Addison, Jaden, Ethan & Micah, as well as three foster children.

Joel Houston (Faculty) & us :)

Lindsay (Academic Dean) & Amanda Anderson (Administrative Assistant) with their kids Liam & Libby.

Tim Lenko (Enrolment & Drama teacher).

The staff & students of 2016/2017.


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