The Adventures of Little Asher Birdlington.
Gnawing the kitchen table.
Games on the bed with mum.
Thrashing around with the blanket before falling asleep. (He was like this when I checked on him).
Trying out our Big Boy seat.
Having a swing (a little too tired to be very excited about it, though).
Keeping an eye on Grandma's garden.
Snoozing away.
Trying a cucumber. Yum.
Playing away.
Big eyes.
Papa says..".come look Gramma, see what i found". Our little Asher is growing, exploring and learning so many new things! We've got to sneak in a June visit. Outdoors looks so good on him! and I'm smiling at the blanket picture :-) And of course those big blue eyes are something else....he's sooo adoralbe!