Ernie & Agnes

this past sunday i was honoured to take a few photos for the lovely Agnes, one smashing & gorgeous bride, marrying a certain dashing Ernest... a lovely & fun wedding day; thankful the weather turned out to be void of rain!

below, glowing Agnes / with her daughters.

classy couple

crooning some george straight..

overall a challenge - glad to have joel helping me out & happy to have a few gooders. & would you believe the one place we had originally centred our photo ideas around (the old clayburn teahouse) had a rope & wet paint sign on the stairs that day?! of all days?! the owner's son who was painting the stairs disapproved of our plan, so we moved on to the church where a lovely gentlemen let us inside & rang the bells & all.. so, change of plan but it worked out. (i've always wondered what it's like inside there). & didn't they have the sweetest car ever?!


  1. Beautiful pictures Dani. I see a bright future here for you and your camera...and your camera man...

  2. Nice photos! They turned out great!


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