a u g u s t s u n d a y
here's a few from last sunday..
in which we were paid a visit by our brother andrew & his wife sarah.
sunny day for a drive with the top down! climbed the "mountain" at whitecliff park, picked blackberries at jericho beach while making friends with the bunnies.. a short but sweet set by This Will Destroy You at the Venue.. & dinner at our favourite pub - the Morrissey.
a solid summer day.
This Will Destroy You
@ the Morrissey.
in recent news, i had an UNFORTUNATE accident with my nikon - on another adventure with andrew & sarah while rafting down the bow river in calgary -
the nikon is ruined.
a lesson in what, i'm not sure - but it did get me to bust out the manual for the rest of our calgary & swift trip.. (later i also managed to drop the minolta & smash the filter! joel will tell you my mood swiftly turned sour that afternoon). still trying to finish off the roll (ah, the postponed expectancy of film)..
on a positive note, the 50mm lens is fine (i think) & i was also able to save the memory card.. so photos from our trip still to come! also heart to clinton who generously borrows his own camera to me.
i hope you are finding summer as it gloriously should be.
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