R o a d T r i p
So!!! was very excited to get the film developed from our brief trip to calgary & swift at the beginning of the month! the following are taken with my manual camera; i thought i might be disappointed with the results, but am pretty happy with all these photos - or maybe the experiences make them sweeter. joel & i got lucky by tagging along with mom & dad for the drive to calgary & i think we both spent the better portion with our heads in books, looking up to find we were there. anyways, good times with the fam & catching up with friends etc. only this first photo is in calgary - went for a walk up the hill behind sunnyside - i love that spot.
(my side of the heart failed a little bit; what to do).

we arrived in swift just in time for grandma's 80th birthday tea party! quite a lovely affair outside on the patio with the girls; aunts & cousins.

not the greatest composition, but had to show thee birthday girl!
grandma wieler, helen.

i'll admit i had been a touch nostalgic for the ol' routine back in cupcake land & thought it would be a good idea to bring along a few for the party..

jess & maggie

after the party - would you believe on the way out to the farm we saw, what could it be, but a
DOUBLE RAINBOW! All the Way Across the Sky!
serious. & it was beautiful.

i love staying on the martens farm, officially my second home..
as soon as we woke up we started exploring / visited the elusive kittens, joel pet the horses,
i found a great find - a hat - in the basement. & in the barn there's an old scooter that derek helped start for us. joel whipped around the yard a few times in his cowboy hat, but put it away before i could get a picture of him. the rest of the day we spent at the lake, another celebration for grandma with family.. on the boat, picnic-ing, having a fire etc.

the drive back home to bc. . .

i could go for another road trip . . !
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