L e s F r a i s e s

on a day that actually feels like summer, i write directions to emma lea's berry farm in ladner where i plan to meet mother, sister & children in tow. . a beautiful & easy drive over the green bridge to westham island (aforementioned in 100-mile diet - a good read & local food source for vancouver). it is one of my summer goals to pick at least a few of all the berries - straw/rasp/blue/& black berries - here was my start to the season. nice clouds so not too hot, we got our buckets & wagon & set out for our row. (camera stowed handily in sister's stroller - all the shots here were taken on my 50mm lens with aperture priority setting; one of the few technical things i know thus far). .

sophie-bucket managed to get her little fists on a few berries herself..

destiny happily sitting in thee dirt row.

ruby girl

post-strawberry picking equals sitting beside the field by a big blue tractor with strawberry milkshakes & ice cream cones.

i will come back for your fruit wine, westham island!

the day ends upon jericho beach, the sun still shining.. a bowl of strawberries & wine at mine & joel's feet. three bags of berries for our little freezer. more summer, please...


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