James / 7

// Jamesy Wilder, 7 years old //

let's see...
loves playing with friends
listening to music
minecraft lego
video games
running out to play
bedtime snuggles with dad 
the heat!
ketchup / tikka / pizza (hot or cold)

He's still our happy go lucky kind of guy with a sensitive side. He's bit of a tease, got his two front teeth this year & finished a giant jawbreaker. He wins the 'wears the least clothes outside award' no matter the season. Depending on the situation he plays either with the boys or with the girls, & of course David. They've usually got some sort of game going on ~ rollerblading around the table, jumping across their beds, or some imaginary battle etc. He loves a few extra minutes in bed in the morning & you can often find him sitting in front of the heater.

I didn't get as many quotes this year...

asking nicely for something ~ "A Thousand Pleases!"
saying goodbye to David ~ "Bye, Poopy-Poops!"
"One sec."

had a little home party

we managed to read a couple books together this year

at the dairy with friend Knud / playing pickle ball

games with Davie / Goldie

the neighbourhood friend cohort... Lucy / Ashley / Jordan / Davie


with Alphaeus

summer time


impromptu crew gathering

ready for Grade 2!

Lucy & James ~ here's a couple pictures Lucy drew this year of their upcoming college days together...

& that's the end of Jamesy, 7 years old!

Love you, mister.

1, 2, 3,
x x x 
4, 5, 6,
x x x
7, 8, 9,
x x x 


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