Edie / 9

// Edie, 9 years old //

Always fun to look back on the past year ~
fun times with sweet friends & family!

cupcakes in Melfort / run club

with Evie & Maggie

Grade 4 runners - (Speedie Edie!)


dress up / being sick :(

with Bups / June

class skating / Lily & Winrie

fun with Emerson

reading buddies / a new nook

A& E swapping characters / "mom & dad" with David

T&T night

baby Laney / mother's day

skateboarding with Lily

with Goldie!

another visit from Emerson

with Senna / slime

summertime with Winrie!

hanging with cousins in Melfort - Violet & June

Houston girls

summer vibes

beach babes

crazy hair / date with mom

adventures with Edie & Lily / xx

a room switch / the girls fort

starting Grade 5!


"That should announce my presence well enough - a good old burp. What?! Is my proposal not elegant?"

"I promise I'll succeed!"
(going to do a task)

"I'm gonna make that mental note even bigger!"

"Please! I have to find out who the real culprit is!"
(late for school reading a book)


Edie, I'm so thankful for you.
You have a soft heart & a thoughtful nature,
you are considerate & think of others.
You are responsible,
you are creative,
a gluing expert!
I love our girl time.

& now you are 10!
I love you.

xo / Mom


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