James / 6
James' Sixth Year...
skipping places
falling full out star fish into the pool
rollerblading (inside/outside)
mega man, mario
Dad's his man
asking thoughtful questions
praying the Lord's Prayer at bedtime (learned at school in Gr 1)
an amiable, fun-loving kind of kid.
Learning to read!
Will eat a lemon down to the rind.
Wow, dinosaurs feel like a blast from the past!
matching / buddy-buddy
"What are you up to, James?"
"What kind of science?"
"Liquid science!"
spring days... this would've been kindergarten year, so every other day at home.
VBS & the Mario movie
a windy walk to the Husky for a treat
last day of kindergarten!
kindergarten graduation - time for summer!
"I was running free & I was so happy."
(playing tag)
King of laying in the hot, hot sand
can't remember what this pose was...!
checking out the dinos in drumheller
more summer adventures / road trip
occasionally wearing Davie's pants...
first day of Grade 1 - with Alphaeus
antics with Bups, Ashley & Jordan
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