We had a beautiful fall this year!
Some nice warm days into October & extra outdoor time for the kids.
First day of school ~ Grade 6 / 4 / 1
& Davie at home.
Asher & James with classmates
Davie learned to ride a pedal bike!
David loves walking the curbs. He also has perfectionist tendencies, so if he messes up he likes to start from the beginning. We went to this spot one the afternoon to master it. 20 curbs. Three tries.

Asher doing some work with his buddies.
"September, you are promising.
The beginning of a gorgeous & necessary decay.
The edge of triumph before the deep rest."
Victoria Erickson
Edie at at a run meet ~ top 10 in her age category.
The kids in her grade on the run team.
this was a fun afternoon - a perfect windy day to let the bubbles fly
in Melfort for Thanksgiving ~ a lovely weekend
the trampoline has gotten a lot of use this season ~
James & Davie out there with Ashley & Jordan on a Saturday morning

Asher & buddies at a birthday party
"& then it is the hour when the day fades, when the last train sets out for Paris, when I have to return to my room. I wait for winter. Warmly wrapped up, we can linger here until nightfall, watch the sun set & the lighthouse take up the torch, it's hope-filled beams sweeping the horizon."
Jean-Dominique Bauby,
The Diving-Bell & the Butterfly
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