mothers day / still life / birthday

 "This is an end toward which we could strive - 
to be the still axis within 
the revolving wheel 
of relationships, 
obligations & activities."

(Gift from the Sea, Anne Morrow Lindbergh)

birthday book! 
(Thanks mom)

Edie's surprise breakfast in bed for Joel & I...
(jellybeans on nutella, also a second bowl of cereal as the first got soggy...)
bless her heart.

birthday cinnamon buns by Joel...
a bit squished, but very good!

my big flower splurge this year...

a moment of all four of them playing together

"What a discipline it is to remind myself daily that my purpose is to love & serve them, to be a safe place for them in their lowest lows & highest highs. There's something sacred about serving unconditionally without receiving anything in return. It's no wonder motherhood is humbling, messy, & our greatest teacher."
(Katie, the Everyday Kitchen)


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