Breaking the lull with Chocolat. I really wanted to read this one & the first chapter was like a sigh of relief to sink into. Stockpiling audio listens for our getaway next month! ~ There's a few I'm excited for.
Also hosted my first book club! We talked about books we're reading & decided to read Gilead for the next month.

The Sky is Falling / Kit Pearson
youth fiction / 4 stars

A pick from my childhood to read with Asher. We enjoyed it quite a bit.


Penguins & Golden Calves / Madeleine L'Engle

Still working on this one... enjoy her words of candor & wisdom on life & faith. She touches on a number of topics.


The Stories We Tell / Joanna Gaines
memoir/non-fiction / audio (by author) 3 stars

I do admire Joanna Gaines & find her to be wise with experience. I was disappointed in this book, tho; was expecting it to be more personal. Tho it is personal, it's also vague. I also find her writing style to be a little overwhelming, tho she has a lot of good thoughts.

"If we don't choose for ourselves where we show up & lean in, if we don't choose to be present for the moments we truly care about, our lives could spin on distractions & interruptions til the day we die."

"Whatever we're rebuilding matters more than whatever we broke down."

"Endings don't make stories - a good story is earned in the middle, in that sacred space of becoming."


Chocolat / Joanna Harris
fiction / 4 stars

I love the visceral quality of her words, there's so much to see & smell. There's a good contrast between the two narrators in the book. Chose for the timing of Valentine's/Lent/Easter. Enjoyed the setting in France & the characters ~ the movie does an excellent portrayal from what I remember.

"This is where our journey stops. This is where we stay to face whatever the wind brings us."

"A good month, March, with February blowing out the back door & spring waiting at the front. A good month for change."


Anne Frank, the Diary of a Young Girl / Anne Frank
non-fiction / audio (read by Selma Blair)

I found this to be too lengthy & would recommend a shorter/condensed version. (There's a couple variations on this work). I found Anne to be both wise for her years (surprisingly self aware), as well as (annoyingly adolescent?) in her ability to vacillate in her ideas & emotions. To be expected I suppose. Interesting to hear her thoughts on the state of the world in her present conditions.

"I know I'm far from being what I should - will I ever be?"

"I long to have a really good time for once & to laugh so hard it hurts."

"The best remedy for those who are frightened, lonely, or unhappy, is to go outside, somewhere they can be alone - alone with the sky, nature, & God. For then, & only then, can you feel that everything is as it should be. & that God wants people to be happy amid nature's beauty & simplicity. As long as this exists, I know that there will be solace for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances."


The Lights Go On Again / Kit Pearson
youth fiction / 3 stars

Read with Asher - we skipped ahead to the third book of 'The Sky is Falling' trilogy. Also enjoyed, though I would say the first one is better. Asher thought the ending was a cliffhanger & asked about the next one, tho there isn't one.


Need to finish our book club pick for next week!


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