Asher / 9

Asher's ninth year...
His motto: "Eat cheese!"

walking to school...

long live the kit kat hat

 "Long hair would be good for lot's of things, like if I wanted to dress up as a pirate... & it looks cool."

Me, forgetting something. "Mom, you are failing at your task"

"Sorry I'm late, we were busy making art"

"Mom after breakfast can I listen to my book? I'm on a real cliffhanger"

last day of Grade 4

Me, while reading: "Do you know what capacious means?"
"basically like jelly sandwiches"

learning chess with Grandpa H

living his best life at family camp

"I got hit by... De Wave"

first day of Grade 5
"I think Grade 5 is my favourite year so far even tho it's only been one day!"

"This pasta is so disgusting it's making me cry!" (literally)

these two...

turning 10!

of school band: "We sound good for beginners. 
We are, (waves his hands in the air)... Naturals."


gaga ball
still likes to smell a book
his kit kat hat 
still eats a lot of fishies.
Beat the 2x2 Rubik's cube, up to the last row of the 3x3
piano! "he's a pirate" on repeat
I realized this year how much Asher really loves roasted potatoes
Bedtime toast
Pippen & Jeffrey.
cheesers pleasers


"the way some people when they laugh tilt their heads way back like they need more room for all the hilarity in their mouths." (Brian Doyle)

That's you with the hilarity in your mouth.

(Yes, I'm still awake & will be in the living room)
& I'm your mother forever.

Love you, Half-pint.


PS. I miss you, Pippen. You’re a great kid.


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